Whether you’re a screenwriter eyeing the producer’s chair, a producer stuck mid-funding, or someone about to pitch their film, I’ve got couple of hours that might just help. If you’re serious about moving your project forward, this program is for you. Here’s what you get:

Here’s What You’ll Get:

• One 90-Minute Call / month

We’re going to cut the fluff and get right to it. I’ll dive into your current situation—what’s working, what’s holding you back. Expect solutions, not more talk. This isn’t another motivational speech; it’s a roadmap.

A Fresh Set of Eyes

Sometimes you’re too close to the project to see what’s missing. I’ll bring that outsider’s perspective. You’ll know exactly what you need to change to break through the noise.

New Paths, Alternative Solutions

Stuck? Good. That means it’s time to look at options you haven’t even considered yet. Expect out-of-the-box thinking. We’ll talk strategy, new paths forward, and how to maximize the resources you’ve got.

Pitch Review

Got a pitch ready? You’ll get feedback that’ll make it bulletproof. You don’t need “nice”—you need results. I’ll show you where you’re losing the room and how to turn it into a “yes.”

Review of Your Materials

Your script, your budget, your pitch deck—send them over. I’ll dissect them and give you actionable feedback to take them from amateur to professional. When you walk into a room, your work will speak for itself.

Unlimited Email Support

You’re not in this alone. Have a question at 2 a.m.? Need advice on a scene or a producer meeting? I’ll be an email away, no delays.

30-Day (90-day for quarterly) Action Plan

After our call, you’ll have a step-by-step action plan tailored to your film. No guesswork. Just a clear roadmap that gets you moving forward every day.

Weekly Accountability Check-In

Talk is cheap. We’ll have a weekly check-in to keep you on track. If you’re off course, we’ll fix it. You’ll make measurable progress—guaranteed.

Who Am I?

My name’s Anthony Epp. I’m a producer, director, and writer, and here’s what I bring to the table:

Producer on 6 features and 2 shorts.

Assistant Director on over 15 features and several shorts.

Directed and wrote 1 feature, with a second in development.

• Successfully raised money for every single film I’ve worked on.

Instructor at Vancouver Film School, where I teach film producing, assistant directing, and script coordinating.

In other words, I’ve been in the trenches. I know what works, what doesn’t, and how to get your film across the finish line.

You can check out my other credits [here].

Here’s the Deal

Hollywood’s in chaos? Good. That means there’s never been a better time for indie filmmakers to break through. The gatekeepers aren’t paying attention. The playing field’s wide open for people who are ready to carve their own path. (Was there ever a “golden age” of film? If so, I missed it.)

You’ve got two choices: Keep waiting for that magical deal—or take control and start moving forward today.

Bottom Line: Every month, you’ll get measurable, real-world progress—whether it’s a polished script, a solid budget, a distribution and marketing plan, or a pitch that finally gets the right attention. If you’re tired of waiting around for your break, it’s time to make one.

Choose Month to Month, or Quarterly. If you choose quarterly, our first 1-on-1 call will include a 90-day strategy setting discussion.

Available prices: